Getting to know the Heaven on Earth Cycle Spread


What is a Heaven & EArth Cycle Spread?

By now, you've all heard heard me talking about or recommending the Heaven and Earth Cycle Spread. So I decided to create a video series explaining a lot of the more commonly asked questions I’ve received. Here I explain exactly what a H&E Cycle Spread is.

How to Prepare for your Heaven & EArth Cycle Spread

A lot of my clients ask me how to prepare for their Heaven & Earth Cycle Spread, and I truly believe that a little preparation goes a long way. Taking a moment to journal about your goals and intentions for the coming season will help you get the most out of our session.


What do you mean by Allies?

In short, your Allies are your spirit squad!! A team of specialized Beings who have agreed to show up & assist you in accomplishing your goals intentions. They are powerful, gentle, effective, & dedicated to working through you, with you, for you, by you so that you can be in your best resonance for Living Your Truth!


How Often should one schedule a Heaven & earth Cycle Spread?

A lot of people ask how often they should schedule a Heaven & Earth Cycle Spread with me, and over the years I've found that four times a year, with each Solstice and Equinox is most effective for most of my clients. The changing of the seasons is an exceptionally powerful time for personal change, growth, reflection, and intention setting.

What can I expect from a Heaven & EArth Cycle Spread Reading?

With the help of your Allies, my hope is that you will begin to recognize your potential, potency, and worthiness so that when it's time to plant the seeds, grow, reap, and then live your dreams awake.


How much effort do I need to put in after each reading?

We all have moments in our lives that can get hectic, and whether or not you are passive or active in engaging with your allies after your reading is entirely up to you. However, from my experience, the more you make it a point to engage with your allies and the insight you gain from your reading, the more likely you are to complete or ascend those goals and intentions you set for yourself.